We believe in a holistic and integrative approach to mental health that supports self-development, balance, and well-being.
We help you navigate life’s challenges and find meaning, guiding you toward resilience and growth.
Some experiences leave lasting marks. Through methods like EMDR and embodiment practices, we support you process and integrate past events.
The breath connects body and mind. With mindful breathing, you can learn to regulate your nervous system and create inner balance.
Medication-assisted therapy
When traditional treatments haven't been effective, we offer an innovative combination of therapy and antidepressants that increase neuroplasticity and offer rapid symptom-relief.
Integration therapy
Integration means bringing all the parts together into a unified whole. We support you to embrace every part of your being, fostering self-acceptance and harmony.
Behavioral activation
Lasting change begins with small steps. We help you create meaningful lifestyle changes that improve your health, quality of life, and ability to thrive.
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Contact us
Akersbakken 37B
St. Hanshaugen
0172 Oslo
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